Sunday, February 17, 2013


It is a wild shrub-like plant. A herbaceous perennial plant, smooth with large compound leaves. It has underground rhizomes that can reach the height of 60 centimeters. Its basal leaves are broad, coarsely toothed margin. The leaves reach up to one meter in length. It has repeated sets of three leaflets. The stem will reach height of 250 centimeters.
The flower does not have any petals (sepals). The flowers are in tight clusters with white in color. It has sweet fetid smell. The fruit contains dry follicles. One carpel has several seeds. It has black roots.
It grows best in moist place with heavy soil. The dried roots, rhizome becomes an alternative herbal medicines for many diseases. Herbal extracts serves as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and has sedative action. It found to have the ability to treat gynecological disorders of women (dysmenorrheal, memorrhagia), pre-menstrual tension, menstrual cramps. It can relieve sore throat and other respiratory infection.
 It consist property that benefits kidney and other urological disorder. It can treat psychological and mental problem like depression, anxiety and stresses of life. It relieves painful muscles, rheumatism and arthritis including nervous disorders. It is the alternative source to produce and increase production of breast milk. It is best source of dietary supplements. It is good source of calcium for better bone health and treats osteoporosis and other age-related disorders.
It can treat symptoms of hormonal imbalance and other hormonal deficiency. Phytocrine, a chemical compound to boosts the ability of women to balance estrogen in the body. It gives promise for breast cancer prevention, the terminal disease of women. It induce normal menstrual period. It can induce labor during childbirth easy for pregnant women to give birth to a child and prevent sluggish labor pains that cause tiredness, weakness, physical fatigue and lack of uterine power to give birth.
It prevents pregnant women to feel restless, muscle tension, menstrual cramps, stomach pain and body pains during the period of her pregnancy. It has the ability to prevent premature delivery that results to miscarriage. It is used as muscle relaxant and best tonic to the nervous system.
The plants contains many chemical compounds like triterpene glycosides and isoflavones, aromatic acids, resins, tannins, starch, fatty acids, sugars, acetin, formononetin, 27-deoxyacterin, caulophylline, laburnine, magnoflorine, saponins (steroidal). It was found to have symptomatic relief of hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, irritability and nervousness.
Take the plant with caution. It cause minor damage to the liver in individual that cannot tolerate the herbal effect of black cohosh. Other side effect known especially if taken over the required dosage (overdosage) or used in longer period of time are headache, seizures, dizziness, diarrhea, sweating, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, sweating. It causes low-blood pressure and slow heartbeat. It has effect on weight.
It should not use in lactating mothers or pregnant women. It may affect its breastfeeding or her pregnancy. Over-dosage may affect condition of stomach especially the intestines. It causes high blood pressure. It affects menstrual cycle of women beyond the normal condition. It may cause allergic reaction to those having allergy of the plant like swelling of the lips, face and tongue.
Herbal tincture can be taken in the dosage of 4ml 3 times daily for period not more than 6 months. The herbal extract can be taken 40 mg 2 times a day. Use dried roots or rhizomes 2,000 mg per day. Use herbal decoction 1 gram of powder with boiling water 3 times daily. Use herbal infusion about 30ml every 2-4 hours.


The plant grew in marshy land and other watery areas. It is a water plant commonly used in fish aquarium. Most of plant parts were found to have benefits in treating disease.
Bacosides and saponins are chemical compounds found in leaves of the plant that has therapeutic action against human diseases. It has diuretic or tonic properties that benefit the heart and nervous system.
It shield against the attack of convulsion. It was found to the problem of getting sleep or having insomnia. It leads to improvement of mental alertness and memory retention. Memory loss is common to people in old age. But with Bacopa it refreshes the abnormality of memory acquisition and enhances the ability to remember things that has long forgotten.
Bacopa has great promise for epileptic person by reducing the attack mode of the disease. Stress can damage the physical and mental health but with Bacopa the brain can withstand the damaging effect of stress and other emotional disturbance.
Inattentiveness and forgetfulness may be sign of deteriorating capacity of the brain to maintain alertness. Bacopa can change the way the brain works. For those having Alzheimer’s disease, Bacopa has great promise to alleviate the effect of the disease. It reduces the risk of cognitive impairment (age-related) especially dementia. It has rejuvenating effect for brain and nerve cells. It is used as natural sedative for increased emotional stress.
Being neuro-protective natural herbs, it influences the action of the nervous system preventing neural malfunction as the result of cognitive deficiency. It has anti-oxidant property to protect the brain against damaging free radicals. Likewise, it becomes the protector against harmful toxins. It helps to reduce anxiety and depression by calming the brain from emotional upset.
The herbal extract relaxes the muscles that control the blood vessels and the distribution of blood to the different body systems. It also relaxes the muscles in the airways of respiratory system. It has the ability to treat and heal ulcerative disease in the stomach.
It is bitter astringent. Other phytochemica properties are bacosides, glycosides, flavonoids (luteolin, apigenin), alkaloid and saponins.
The herbal extract is more useful to invigorate the mind, enhances the ability to learn and improves poor concentration. There is peace and calmness in the mind improving mental processes to lessen the effect of emotional disturbances, working under heavy pressure affect the clarity of thought and reducing better performance of the job.
Excessive use of the plants may result to muscle fatigue, nausea and dryness in the mouth. There is mild gastro-intestinal discomfort.
It is supportive to increase resistance of the body against different stressor chemically, physically and biologically. It induces the production of neuro-transmitter serotonin beneficial to the performance of the brain. It has positive action to have healthy neuro-transmitter balance.