Sunday, March 21, 2010


It belongs to parsley family. Native in Western Asia. Used as culinary and medicinal properties. Chervil can be mix with fish, chicken and egg dishes. It is mild in flavor. It existed around 2,000 years ago. Easy to grow indoors. If outdoor, it should have a shade as protection from the heat of the sun. It can be planted by seed. It has a long taproot. Cultivated due to culinary purposes.

Properties: ethereal oil, methyl-cavicol, fatty acids

It has Vitamin A and C. Rich in minerals and vitamins, zinc, potassium, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, magnesium and vitamin B. It is good in the treatment of acne. Has a healing effect for eczema. It has the capacity to reduce inflammation of the body due to allergies. It can treat digestive and stomach problem as well as relieving stomach pain.

Used as tea. It can improve the circulation of the blood. It reduces the occurrence of cellulite. Good for the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoid. It reduces fluid retention during menstruation. It has the capacity to lower blood pressure. It can assist to patient with cystitis, kidney stones and bladder disorders.

Good for those suffering from painful and irritated eyes. Has the capacity to cure liver problem. Good alternative treatment for cold and flu. Clear up skin problems. Used as freshener and tonic to skin. Reduces puffiness of the skin due to allergy. Most helpful in bladder disorders like cystitis and kidney stones.

Used as digestive aid for normal function. Considered as blood purifier. Can alleviate the pain from insect bites, cuts. Use as facial mask for cleansing the skin or face. It can deter wrinkles. A diuretic and expectorant. It can cure hiccups by eating the plant. Good in uterine hemorrhage.It has a healing action as anti-inflammatory resolvent. It is good for the eyes.

Uses: Fresh leaves and stem to flavor soups, salads, scent mixtures. Chervil juice can be applied topically or internally. As tea (tonic drink). The fresh leaves used as poultice. Good as salad and condiments. Used as cream.


Fennel is a vegetable. It has a round white creamy bulb. It has short green stalks with leaves that is feathery green in color. It can be eaten raw. It is found in vegetable glass compartment in the supermarket. It is a specialty in other countries. It has a size of less than 2 pounds. A smaller fennel bulbs is best to use as it has a tender bulb and less fibrous. It is sold in the public market with the stalks still attached to the bulb.

Properties: phytonutrients, flavonoids (rutin, quercitin), kaempferol glycosides (anti-oxidant), anethole (volatile oil). Seeds contains petroselinic acid, oleic acid, tocopherols, trans-anethole, fenchone, limonene, camphor, alpha-pinene.

As stimulant to promote lactation and menstruation of women. Anethole can reduce inflammation and has an anti-cancer effect. It shut down the intercellular signaling system called tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling, thus prevent the activation of a strong gene-altering and inflammation-triggering molecules.

Its volatile oil can protect the liver from toxic chemical injury. A source of vitamin C (anti-oxidant) neutralizes free radicals. If this free-radicals allowed to exist, it will cause cellular damage that results to osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

It is anti-microbial. A necessity for the proper function of the immune system. Has enormous source of fiber. It has the capacity to reduce elevated cholesterol level. It is good in preventing colon cancer. Has folate, vitamin-B and the ability to convert a dangerous homocysteine molecules into a benign molecules that has the capacity to damage the blood vessel walls.

Good source of potassium to reduce the presence of high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. It has a carminative capacity as purgative. Its juice is good for cough. It eases the pain from stones by helping to break it. Used to wash an eyestrain and irritated eyes.

It stimulates lactation of mothers. It inhibit spasm in smooth muscles. It prevents intestinal colic. It relieves gas and cramping in the stomach. A diuretic, increasing urine production and bile production. It can reduce fever or pain with anti-microbial properties. Good for flatulence control.

Uses: Good to keep fleas away (insect-repellent). Used as tea and juice. Stalks is used in soups and stews. The feathery leaves is used as herbs. Its leaves is good to bake fish in parchment. Excellent for flavoring to favorite dish. Can be used as delightful salad.

Prohibition: High dose cause muscular spasms and hallucination.